Your daily dose of mantras for the mind, body, and spirit.
Mantra Rx® is a deck of 52 positive self talk affirmations created intentionally with love to support your inner dialogue and relationship with yourself.
This unique card deck is a work of art inspired by nature, geometry, spaciousness, and our universal human experiences.
Created by a holistic psychotherapist.
Side effects Include: Positive shift in inner dialogue, thoughts of self-love, self-empowerment, feelings of gratitude, inner peace, self-confidence, and increased well-being.
i got my mind on my mantra & my mantra on my mind  ⋒  i got my mind on my mantra & my mantra on my mind  ⌓  i got my mind on my mantra & my mantra on my mind  ⋒  i got my mind on my mantra & my mantra on my mind  ⌓  i got my mind on my mantra & my mantra on my mind  ⋒  i got my mind on my mantra & my mantra on my mind  ⌓  i got my mind on my mantra & my mantra on my mind  ⋒  i got my mind on my mantra & my mantra on my mind
Break Through Old Thought Patterns
& develop new habitual thoughts that support your well-being with the Mantra Rx card deck.
The Mantra Rx card deck includes 52 unique pieces of art and “I” statement mantras created to help you cultivate a kinder more compassionate relationship with your inner dialogue.
The word mantra comes from two Sanskrit words:
‘man’ meaning mind; and ‘tra’ meaning vehicle or instrument.
A mantra is a tool that helps transport the mind from chaos to calm.
The Mantra Rx card deck is made up of 52 mantras created to support your mind, body, and spirit.

+ What is a mantra?
A mantra is a tool that helps transport the mind from chaos to calm. Mantras are strong, positive self-talk affirmations that help condition the subconscious mind and internal dialogue.
+ How do mantras work with the mind?
Our subconscious mind generates many of our thoughts—positive and negative—and these thoughts can be shifted through increased self-awareness and consciously choosing new thought patterns. When we direct our present mind toward thoughts that support our inner dialogue, we can rewire the brain and create new neural pathways.
+ How often should I use my mantra?
With repetition and consistency, new neural pathways are created so we can break through old thought patterns and develop new habitual thoughts that support our well-being. When we make it a practice to anchor ourselves in a daily mantra, we give ourselves the power to choose and affirm the thoughts we want to focus on, creating lasting change in our inner dialogues. Pull a card daily or weekly to focus on. Repeat your chosen mantra lovingly to yourself when unhelpful thoughts arise, to calm your mind, or during your daily activities. You can repeat and use your mantra any time, an anywhere, in your mind or aloud.

Don’t just take our word for it ⏤ here’s what other humans are saying about the Mantra Rx® card deck…
“Hands down the prettiest card deck I’ve ever used! The Mantra Rx deck has become a staple in my meditation practice. I love pulling a mantra card before I meditate to help me focus my thoughts and mind on a positive mantra during my practice. It’s been so helpful in practice and in my everyday inner dialogue.”
⏤ Santi
“I absolutely love the Mantra Rx deck. The mantras on the cards instantly resonated with me and the mindset shifts I am continuously working on. The card deck has become part of my daily morning route to set my intentions for the day. I also use the cards during the work day as a way to reset my mindset. The Mantra Rx deck is such an impactful tool to reinforce mindfulness and a positive mindset. I have loved the deck so much myself that I am going to gift it to several friends as a self care gift.”
⏤ Katie
“I love the ‘I am’ mantras! The Mantra Rx card deck has helped me rewrite several unhelpful thoughts I’ve struggled with for years. Whenever my inner critic starts up, I refocus myself with some of my favorite mantras from the deck. It’s really helped cultivate a kinder relationship with my inner dialogue.”
⏤ Farrah
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